About Talk Comics to Me:
Born two separate people, Champ and Heather joined forces in the winter of 2017 under the guise of "working" together. In reality, they discovered little work got done and instead began to focus their attention on collaborating creatively. They soon learned that by creating together, they could attain a level of success neither had ever experienced before. One project became two and soon enough they decided that taking over the world was the next logical step.
In their spare time, they like to read (and silently judge or not so silently) comics, play ridiculously long RPGs with endless quests that are nearly impossible to finish, repeat inside jokes that should have lost their appeal LONG ago, get too caffeinated and complain about their shaking hands, and having spaghetti dinner dates. When not serving coffee and dropping comics, you can find them both at their homes, curled up on their couches with a nice, long book and a pile of weed.